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November 22, 2022
CIFI - Field of wind turbines

The Road to Net Zero

Climate change is the existential crisis. As its effects are felt more broadly, we increasingly see how all aspects of society are being impacted: the environment, the economy, health care, transportation and immigration. Commitments to net zero are being across all sectors of the economy, but are we going as far, deep and fast we need to? 
December 10, 2021
Catalytic capital for sustainable 2

Catalytic capital for sustainable development needed more urgently than ever

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on global development. Since the pandemic, the annual funding gap
to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has risen from an estimated $2.5 trillion to a staggering $US4.2 trillion, while official development assistance budgets have contracted. It has never been more urgent to catalyze private investment at scale towards creating a climate resilient, gender inclusive, and economically sustainable world.
November 13, 2021
Woman with safety gear with wind turbines in the background

All hands on deck to combat climate change

As COP26 moves into its second week, there is a clear consensus that we are running out of time to tackle what’s been described as the greatest challenge of our time. Yet there is optimism in Glasgow. We know it will take major change — and major investment — to truly address climate change. Consensus abounds that resources from both public and private sectors must be brought to bear in a meaningful way.
May 20, 2021

Driving Change and Positive Outcomes through Deal Documentation

The critical role of development finance institutions (DFIs) in helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals is well documented[1]. As a DFI, FinDev Canada’s mission is impact-driven as we seek to deploy and mobilize capital to promote inclusive private sector growth through market development and job creation in our target regions. Now, how do we actually ensure that our development impact targets are met, not only today, but throughout the life of our investment and beyond?
April 28, 2021

Can Silver be Better Than Gold? An Overview of our Alignment with the Impact Principles

When asked which medal they would like to win after a competition, most people would probably choose gold. Fair enough, but at times, for instance at the beginning of an athlete’s career, it might be better to receive a silver medal because it recognizes achievement while pointing to growth and improvement ahead.

That’s how we at FinDev Canada are looking at an independent analysis just completed that examined our Development Impact Framework. It looked at how closely our policies and practices under the Framework align with the global Operating Principles for Impact Management.