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woman talking business
Gender Lens Investing 101

Interested in Gender Lens Investing?

Innovation and Firm Performance in the Caribbean

This paper (a joint collaboration between IDBInvest and FinDev Canada) explores the link between innovation and firm performance in sev

Invest2Impact, Supporting African Women Entrepreneurs: A Summary Report

Invest2Impact aimed to support women entrepreneurs in East Africa and to better understand their business growth and financing journeys. 

2X Fund Manager Training

This training is developed for investment professionals and fund managers to expand their capabilities on gender-lens investing.

CIFI Image
Climate Change Strategy

This document sets out FinDev Canada’s strategy to promote climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience through our investments and operations.

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Climate Change Policy

This policy establishes a set of overarching principles for FinDev Canada to integrate and promote climate action throughout its investments and op

Lelapa Fund Design Report
Lelapa Fund Design Report

Fund Design: Building for the underserved African market with a gender lens.

Women empowerment
FinDev Canada's Gender Glossary

We partnered with UN Women to create a Gender Glossary.